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Project "Kiss and Drive" has been implemented throughout the country beginning in 2004. The Following are a few examples of how the project functions from Metulla to Eilat

Case 1 - Memory of Joseph School in Ahuza, Haifa

Today the"Kiss and Drive“ roject was launched in Memory of Joseph School in Ahuza with the help of "Kiss and Drive" association. I am one of the parents who participated in the morning the launch of the project. The launch was impressive and successful beyond expectations.

The parents were on duty and the parents driving cooperated to create a safe environment on a level not seen before. 

The successful operation of  "Kiss and Drive” contributed greatly to the safety of not only for our children but it also alleviating heavy traffic congestion onSinai Ave. Sinai during the morningrush, all this while educating and training of children. "

 -Ami Shaked, the father of a child in the school-


זכרון יוסף לפני


זכרון יוסף אחרי

Case 2 - Beit Ezekial School


In the fight against road accidents in your project is unique and very professional: it changes the unsafe school entrance, and makes the place one of trust. 

-Ayala Hassan, school principal-


בית יחזקאל לפני


בית יחזקאל אחרי

Case 3 - Rechesim School, Beersheva


Those familiar with us know that we don’t simply identify problems; we offer solutions for them.
This is our second year with the project, and there is no question tht "Kiss and Drive" will be even greater than it was last year. You opened our eyes to many things, and you made our job, PTA, more efficient and of higher quality and, above all, safer. I am very pleased witht the cooperation between all parties who contributed to the success of the project. Thank you all.
The city of Be'er Sheva has joined many other cities in implementing the “Kiss and Drive” project with the help of Eyes on the Road. This morning the Rechesim School was the first to launched in the city.

The launch project was preceded by meetings with the management of the municipality which has chosen to adopt the project in local schools. The project operated successfully this morning and thank GD, we believe it will continue successfully in the future !!

 -Zofit Shmuel, chairman of the Parents’ Committee-


רכסים לפני


רכסים אחרי

Case 4 - Brenner School, Givataim


Today we began the fourth week of this wonderful initiative.
From the first day of operation, all was in perfect order, parent volunteers arriving highly motivated, drivers and parents in full cooperation. I want to thank you for your investment each hour and an hour. Support, response, guidance and attention.
Thanks for the knowledge and professionalism which were a driving force, combined with lots of action and support. Despite the fears and difficulties at the beginning of the process, I am now happy and satisfied and proud of our parents, and the committee.

Wish you all a safe year, a year of action and success. 

 -Anat Yaakovitch, project administrator-


ברנר לפני


ברנר אחרי